Setting up Samsung SMDK6400 (3/4/2008) Requirements: =============== - You must install the latest Windows Mobile Platform builder for WM6 (Jetstream). Platform Builder for WINCE 5.0 is incompatible with the flash.bin format and USB KITL support. - Windows Mobile 6 AKU 0.4 - Samsung BSP I. Build OS image ================= 1). Start "New Build Window Wizard" 2). Point wizard to AKU directory (i.e. c:\WM604) 3). For BSP: drop down, select SMDK6400 4). For Release type: drop down, select "Retail" 5). Select SKU: Pocket PC 6). Select 192 DPI, 480 x 640 res 7). Select defauls for all other options 8). Select location of build scripts 9). From location of build script , select "Build All" link and build system (builds image and update loader image) *** NOTE: you may get an error after makimg runs, complaining about duplicate entries for atlce400.dll. To work around this edit dcom.bib in the release directory and comment out all entries for atlce400.dll. This dll is already populated by other packages. Enabling USB kitl: 1). From command-line build environment navigate to \Platform\SMDK6400\ 2). Execute "kitl_set.bat" 3). Execute "build -c" 4). Execute "makimg" II. Flash SuperIPL loader over USB =================================== *** NOTE : ONLY NEEDS to be DONE ONCE ****** *** NOTE : If the SMDK6400 was used for CE 6.0 development, the superIPL loader must be re-installed using the procedure below ***** SuperIPL is the initial program loader (IPL) that is placed in a boot partition of the NAND flash device. This loader extracts the flash.bin image stored in another partition directly into main memory. This loader is primarily used for WM6 images. 1). Move CFG0, switch 4 to ON position 2). Start dnw.exe (located in PLATFORM\SMDK6400\etc). Select SerialPort->Connect 3). Power On platform (may require an additional push of reset button (SW3)) 4). From dnw.exe, select Configuration->Options, Set "USB Port Download Address" to: 0x50038000 5). Select USBPort->Transmit. 6). Select Eboot.nb0 (from release directory) to download to target. 7). After download completes, press space bar in dnw.exe to stop Eboot. 8). From Eboot menu, press [6] to ENABLE : programming an image to NAND disk. 9). From Eboot menu, press W to write configuration 10). From Eboot menu, press E to Erase Block 0 11). From Eboot menu, press U to download image (USB) 11). From dnw.exe , Select USBPort->UBOOT->UBOOT. Select superipl.nb0 from release directory 12). Wait for download/reflash operation to complete. 13). Reset device and proceed to part III below *** NOTE sometimes you may have to direct Windows to install the USB device driver for downloading. Check the Windows Device manager for any "unknown" USB devices. You can install the driver from SMDK6400\etc directory. III. Flash OS Image over USB ============================= 1). Move CFG0, switch 4 to ON position 2). Start dnw.exe (located in PLATFORM\SMDK6400\etc). Select SerialPort->Connect 3). Power On platform (may require an additional push of reset button (SW3)) 4). From dnw.exe, select Configuration->Options, Set "USB Port Download Address" to: 0x50038000 5). Select USBPort->Transmit. 6). Select Eboot.nb0 (from release directory) to download to target. 7). After download completes, press space bar in dnw.exe to stop Eboot. 8). From Eboot menu, Select F (Low-level format the Smart Media Card) 9). From Eboot menu, Select U (DOWNLOAD image now (USB)) ** Note, this may require you to install the USB device on your PC *** 10). From dnw.exe , Select USBPort->UBOOT->UBOOT. Select flash.bin from release directory 11). Wait for download/reflash operation to complete 12). Move CFG0, switch 4 back to OFF position and reset device. IV. Using KITL over USB ======================== *** after you have flashed the OS image over USB (see step III) *** 1). From Platform Builder, Select File->Open 2). Navigate to flat release directory and open "flash.bin" 3). Select "Target->Connectivity Options" 4). Select "Add device", create a name. 5). For "Download:" drop down, select "None" 6). For "Transport:" drop down, select" "USB" 7). For "Debugger:" drop down, select "KdStub" 8). Apply changes, close dialog. 9). Power on platform. After USB device insertion occurs (listen for device insert chime), select from Platform Builder, Target->Attach. *** NOTE: a) You may need to uninstall Active Sync before you try to connect target with USB KITL. b) It is better to power off S3C6400 before you detach the target. Otherwise, there will be a blue screen. Registry or File Updates: ========================= - this requires an updated flash.bin. You can simply use Step III above to reflash a new flash.bin Limitations: ============ Ethernet KITL is not supported at this time The platform is setup to suspend after 3-minutes of non-USE. This can cause the platform to be non-operative. To disable the suspend timer, follow these steps: 1. In the upper left system tray click on the battery-charge icon 2. Select the "Advanced" tab. 3. Uncheck "Turn off device if not used for .." Using UARTS: ============ To enable UART0 (COM1) and UART1 (COM2). The following BSP variables should commented out, (use @REM in SMDK6400.bat) @REM set BSP_NOUART0=1 @REM set BSP_NOUART1=1 @REM BSP_DEBUGPORT != SERIAL_UART0 @REM set BSP_NOSERIAL=1 make sure KITL is set to use USB: set BSP_KITL=USBSERIAL This change requires you to re-build the BSP to apply the changes. If you have not built the BSP, you do not need to do anything more. The changes will be built in when you do a "Build All". If you have already built an image, you can simply rebuild the BSP (switch to "SMDK6400\src", enter "build -c") and then do a "makeimg".